Updated Flu Facts for 2012

Updated Flu Facts for 2012

Below are the latest flu facts that can help keep you and your loved ones healthy this flu season:

  • Flu season often begins as early as October, peaks in February, and can last until spring or even early May
  • The flu can be very dangerous for the young, old, and those with other medical conditions such as asthma or heart failure
  • The Flu vaccine provides protection (immunity) for about a year
  • The 2012-2013 Flu vaccine provides protection against three main flu strains that research indicates will cause the most illness during the flu season
  • It takes approximately 2 weeks after vaccination for your body to develop an immunity
  • The effectiveness of the flu vaccine is 70%-90% in healthy adults provided that the flu strain matches the vaccine
  • Who should get vaccinated? The CDC now recommends ANYONE older than 6 months who wants to reduce their chances of getting the flu!!!!
  • As many as 36,000 adults are estimated to die each year from a flu-related illness such as pneumonia
  • Each year about 20,000 children younger than 5 years old are hospitalized from flu complications, like pneumonia

Flu shots are now available at Southwest Family Physicians!

Protect yourself! Schedule your flu shot today!

Call (440) 816-2761 to make an appointment.

Flu shots can also be given during your routine physician appointment.

For more information about the flu read our previous blog posts titled “Influenza, Better Known as the Flu” and “Have You Gotten Your Flu Shot Yet?“.

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