Archive for the ‘Did You Know?’ Category

Wellness Visit Information

Dear Valued Patient, In an effort to provide the best medical care possible, we would like to inform you of our office policy regarding wellness visits. Wellness visits include traditional history and physicals, Welcome to Medicare physicals and Medicare wellness visits. The wellness visit and/or history and physical is intended to screen for potential health […]

Preventing Mosquito Bites

Protect yourself from mosquito bites by using insect repellent. Apply an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered insect repellent that contains one of the active ingredients below: DEET Picaridin IR3535 Oil of lemon eucalyptus Para-menthane-diol 2-Undecanone Visit the EPA website to search which EPA registered insect repellent product is right for you. Make sure to always […]

Pool and Swimming Safety Tips

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drowning is the leading cause of unintentional death in children ages 1 – 4 years old. In 2016, Ohio reported 13 drowning deaths of children 0 – 14 years old. Below are some helpful tips to keep children safe while in the pool.   Swimming Safety […]

Dealing with Stress

Stress is a reaction to a situation where a person feels anxious or threatened. Stress can be positive or negative depending on the situation. For example, a wedding can be a source of positive stress. Learning healthy ways to cope and getting the right support can help reduce stressful feelings and symptoms. After a traumatic […]

Yes, We’re Open

Southwest Family Physicians, Inc. is open and providing the following services for Established Patients: Telemedicine Virtual Visits Phone Call Appointments Please contact us for more details. Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash